Monday, October 4, 2010


I think time goes a little faster here in Bolivia. It has already been a month! Yet I can vividly remember when I was midafternoon and I was early. I happened to get onto the wrong flight so I was ahead of time and the Malos, directors of Ninos Con Valor, had not arrived yet. This was a bit unnerving for me. The whole trip to Cochabamba I was nervous about getting my visa and getting on to the correct flight in Santa Cruz. Now all I can do is laugh because I ended up getting a tourist visa not a residencial visa and I got on to the wrong flight. Yet God had it all orchistraited, on the flight I did end up taking there were three buisness people I met and they gave me buisness cards because one guy travels to Cochabamba every six months and he wants me to let him know if I ever need something from the states. The other card was from a couple in the group and they want to adopt, so when they heard I would be working in an orphanage they wanted to know more. How encourageing to know that complete strangers would care about me and the work that I would be doing. At the time I thought there was nothing more that could go wrong but now looking back I can see the the points where I was at my lowest God provided and made his presense known.


  1. Found my way around the your details and WOW! Can that business guy bring you something from us!? Just kidding, he probably lives on the other side of the states...nice thought though. God IS faithful!Love you cutie!

  2. It's amazing how God has a way of making even the "wrong" things into something great! When you're working with HIM, He takes care of all those details we don't even know need to be taken care of!
    Praying for you!
    Chris and Celeste
